
Frequently Asked Questions

When the impact detection sensor in the dashcam detects an impact or turn, a buzzer sounds with flashing LED lights. This means the dashcam is working correctly. If the sound of the device bothers you, you can turn the sound and buzzer on or off via a special viewer or app.

Follow these steps to submit a return request:

  • Click on the profile icon in the store navigation or go to the refund policy or returns page and request a return.
  • Log in to your account:
  • Click on the order for which you want to submit the return.
  • If your order contains more than one item, please select the items you wish to return.
  • Select a reason for the return and add a comment if necessary.
  • Click on "Submit Application.
  • If your return request is approved, you will receive an email with shipping instructions and a return label. After the product is returned, you will receive a refund.

Please contact us immediately to cancel the order. If that is no longer possible, we will be happy to assist you with the return and refund process for the items you ordered in error.

Blurred images are caused by incorrect positioning during installation, even if there is no lens defect. Make sure the dashcam is installed in a highly visible location on the windshield. Move the camera position and check the video again. Before installing the dashcam, clean the car windshield. Dust, excessive discoloration and backlight can affect the video quality. If it still does not work after trying all solutions, take a video of the problem and contact us.

Dark tint can affect visibility and video quality. If the video is too dark to recognize objects, it is recommended to remove the tint where the dashcam is installed.

This varies by manufacturer:

  • Samsung: My files → Internal storage → DCIM → GNET
  • LG: File Manager → All Files (or Internal Storage → DCIM → GNET)
  • iPhone: Photos (in the Photo Album)
    If you can't find the files, search for the "DCIM" folder on your smartphone.